
Title: Fēilǜbīn Nánhǎi zhèngcè jījìn huà de nèi-wài dòng yīn tànxī ―yǐ duōchóng zhìhéng lǐlùn wéi shìjiǎo de yánjiū (Internal and External Factors Driving the Radicalazation of the South China Sea Policy of the Philippines: A Perspective based on Omnibalancing Theory)#

Author(s): Chen Zhongrong 陈忠荣;

Journal: Dāngdài Yà-Tài 当代亚太 (Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies)

ISSN: 1007-161X

Year: 2016


Issue: 5

Page(s): 87-111+155-156