
Title: Měnggǔ Hūtúlá (Qutula) Hàn jíwèi yíshì xīn jiě――NèiYà shìyě xià de shùmù chóngbài chuántǒng (A New Explanation for the Ceremony of Qutula as Mongol’ Qan——The Tradition of Trees’ Worship from Inner Asian Perspective)#

Author(s): Cao Jincheng 曹金成;

Journal: Xīběi Dàxué Xuébào (Shèhuì Kēxué Bǎn) 西北师大学报(社会科学版) (Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences))

ISSN: 1001-9162

Year: 2017

Volume: 54

Issue: 6

Page(s): 90-95