
Title: Cángpǐn lìshǐ, zhēnwěi hé túxiàng―duì Dàbǎn shì lì měishùguǎn cáng Sòng Zǐ Tiānwáng Tú de kǎochá (Tracing the History, Authenticity and the Image of “The Heavenly King as a Bestower of Children” in the Collection of Osaka Municipal Museum of Art)#

Author(s): Chen Changhong 陈长虹;

Journal: Gùgōng Bówùyuàn Yuànkān 故宫博物院院刊 (Palace Museum Journal)

ISSN: 0452-7402

Year: 2016


Issue: 5

Page(s): 103-117+162