
Title: Lùnlǐ yǎ gè yīng yì “lúnyǔ” duì rújiā chéngxìn zhī jiào de pīpíng――yǐ lǐ yǎ gè duì “rú bēi bèi jù” shìjiàn de lǐjiě wéi zhōngxīn (On Legge’s Criticism of the Confucian Teaching of Honesty in His English Translation of The Analects: Focusing on Legge’s Understanding of the Incident of “Ru Bei Being Rejected by Confucius)

Author(s): Li Liqin 李丽琴;

Journal: Zhōngguó Wénhuà Yánjiū 中国文化研究 (Chinese Culture Research)

ISSN: 1005-3247

Year: 2017


Issue: 1

Page(s): 136-145