
Title: Lùn zìzhǔ yuèdú shíjiàn jiāoxué duì Rìyǔ nénglì tíshēng de fāngfǎ ― yǐ Chuānshàng Hóngměi de zuòpǐn shǎngxī wéi lì (On the Methods of Autonomous Reading Education for the Improvement of Japanese Language Capability: An Example from the Appreciation of Hiromi Kawakami’s Works)

Author(s): Wang Jiayin 王佳音;

Journal: Jìxù Jiāoyù Yánjiū 继续教育研究 (Continue Education Research)

ISSN: 1009-4156

Year: 2016


Issue: 11

Page(s): 125-126