
Title: Yǔliàokù qūdòng shìjiǎo xià Diàoyú Dǎo xīnwén zhōng “chōngtū ”lèi cíhuì de huàyǔ gòujiàn yánjiū (A Corpus Driven Analysis of Discursive Representations around the “Conflict” Words in Diaoyu Islands News)#

Author(s): Wang Lijun 王丽君;

Journal: Shànghǎi Duìwài Jīngmào Dàxué Xuébào 上海对外经贸大学学报 (Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics)

ISSN: 2095-8072

Year: 2016

Volume: 23

Issue: 4

Page(s): 72-82