
Title: Zhuīxún chénmò dì Měiguó tiělù Huágōng――yǐ Zhōngguójìn xiàndài Guǎngdōng Wǔyì qiáo xiāng wénshū wéi zhōngxīn de tàntǎo (Exploring Silent Chinese Railroad Workers in the U. S.:A Study Based on Wuyi Qiaoxiang Documents of the Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century)#

Author(s): Liu Jin 刘进;

Journal: Měiguó Yánjiū 美国研究 (The Chinese Journal of American Studies)

ISSN: 1002-8986

Year: 2017

Volume: 31

Issue: 6

Page(s): 73-89+6