
Title: Lǐ Zhuówú Xiānshēng Pīpíng “Sān Guó Zhì” bǎnběn sì dà xìtǒng míngchēng de zài dìngyì―yǐ Měiguó Yēlǔ Dàxué děng túshūguǎn cáng zhēnběn bǐjiào wéi jīchǔ (The Redefinition of the Names in the Four System in “Mr. Li Zhi’s Criticism of the Three Kingdoms” Version – Based on the Comparison of Library Collections at Yale University)

Author(s): Zhongchuan Yu 中川谕;

Journal: Héběi Xuékān 河北学刊 (Hebei Academic Journal)

ISSN: 1003-7071

Year: 2016

Volume: 36

Issue: 1

Page(s): 77-82+90