
Title: Yīcì chóng sù 20 shìjì Éluósī wénxué shǐ de chángshì――píng Kē’ěrmǐluòfū(S.I. Kormilov)) zhǔbiān《20 Shìjì Éluósī Wénxué Shǐ》 (Аn Attempt to Reconstruct the History of the 20th-century Russian Literature:On History of the 20th-century Russian Literature by S.I. Kormilov)#

Author(s): Zhao Dan 赵丹;

Journal: Éluósī Wényì 俄罗斯文艺 (Russian Literature & Arts)

ISSN: 1005-7684

Year: 2017


Issue: 3

Page(s): 155-160