
Title: “Zhōng-Yìn biānjiè xíjīn duàn de lìshǐ yóulái yǔ fǎlǜ yījù-jiān yì yì yìndù fēifǎ yuèjiè xíngwéi de guójì fǎlǜ zérèn” (The Historical Origin and Legal Basis of the Sikkim Section of the China-India Border – Concurrently Discussing the International Legal Responsibility of India’s Illegal Cross-border Behavior)

Author(s): Zeng Hao; 曾皓;

Journal: Zhōngguó Zàng Xué 中国藏学 (China Tibetology)

ISSN: 1002-557X

Year: 2017


Issue: 3

Page(s): 44334