
Title: Zhōngguó gāoxiào rìyǔ zhuānyè jiàoshī fāzhǎn xiànzhuàng hé fāzhǎn xūqiú yánjiū――yǐ jiàoxué, kēyán yǔ nénglì yìshí wéi zhōngxīn (A Survey of the Development Needs of Japanese Major Teachers in Colleges and Universities——Focusing on the Learning Awareness of Teaching, Scientific Research and Ability)#

Author(s): Zhang Limei 张丽梅;

Journal: Rìyǔ Xuéxí Yǔ Yánjiū 日语学习与研究 (Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research)

ISSN: 1002-4395

Year: 2017


Issue: 4

Page(s): 47-56