
Title: Cóng yìshí xíngtàihuà lìshǐ jìyì dào rénxìng fǎnsīshì wénhuà shāngpǐn―Sū’é fǎn fǎxīsī zhànzhēng tícái diànyǐng de biànhuà hé fāzhǎn (From the Ideological Historical Memory to Human–Reflection Type of Cultural Goods: Change and Development of Soviet Union’s and Russian Anti-Fascist War Movies)#

Author(s): Guo Yanmin 郭艳民;

Journal: Jiěfàngjūn Yìshù Xuéyuàn Xuébào 解放军艺术学院学报 (Journal of PLA Academy of Art)

ISSN: 1674-5302

Year: 2016


Issue: 1

Page(s): 89-95