
Title: Jiāqiáng “yīdài yīlù” guójì hézuò, cùjìn rénlèi gòngtóng fāzhǎn――shǒujiè sīchóu zhī lù yánxiàn mínjiān zǔzhī hézuò wǎngluò lùntán zōngshù (Strengthening the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation and Promoting the Common Development of Mankind: a Summary of the First Cooperation Network Forum for Civil Organizations Along the Silk Road)

Author(s): Mou Jinling 牟金玲;

Journal: Dāngdài Shìjiè 当代世界 (Contemporary World)

ISSN: 1006-4206

Year: 2017


Issue: 12

Page(s): 50-52