
Title: Lìshǐ chéng xù, zhànlüè hù gòu yǔ Nánhǎi zhèngcè-Yìnní Zu kē zhèngfǔ hǎiyáng qiángguó zhànlüè tàn xī (Historic Succession, Strategic Inter-Construction and the South China Sea Policy: A Strategic Inquiry into the Indonesian Joko Widodo Administration’s Strategy of Maritime Power)#

Author(s): Li Feng, Zheng Xianwu 李峰; 郑先武;

Journal: Tàipíngyáng Xuébào 太平洋学报 (Pacific Journal)

ISSN: 1004-8049

Year: 2016

Volume: 24

Issue: 1

Page(s): 63-73