
Title: Hòu wéijī shíqí Éluósī chuàngxīn zhèngcè yǐngxiǎng fēnxī-jīyú gāo jìshù chǎnyè chuàngxīn nénglì shìjiǎo (Analysis on the Impact of Russia’s Innovation Policies in a Post-Crisis Period: From the Perspective of the Innovative Capacity of High-Tech Industry)

Author(s): Zhou Jingyan 周静言;

Journal: Fúzhōu Dàxué Xuébào (Zhéxué Shèhuì Kēxuébǎn) 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) (Journal of Fuzhou University(Philosophy and Social Sciences))

ISSN: 1002-3321

Year: 2016

Volume: 30

Issue: 3

Page(s): 54-59