
Title: Wēiěrháosēn de 《Yǐsèlièshǐ dǎolùn 》yǔ xiàndài Shèngjīng pīpíng ――lìshǐ jìyì 、duànliè yǔ zhònggòu zhōng de 《Móxī wǔjīng 》 (Julius Wellhausen’s Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel and Contemporary Critique on The Bible: Five Books of Moses as Historical Memory, Rupture, and Reconstruction)

Author(s): Cheng Zuming 成祖明;

Journal: Shìjiè Zōngjiāo Yánjiū 世界宗教研究 (Studies in World Religions)

ISSN: 1000-4289

Year: 2016


Issue: 5

Page(s): 104-120