
Title: Qìngdiǎn yǔ zhèngzhì ― 1945 nián “qìngzhù kàngzhàn shènglì dàhuì” shǐshì gōuchén (Celebration and Politics: Exploration of the Historical Events Concerning “Celebration Ceremony of the Victory of Anti-Japanese War” in 1945)#

Author(s): Zhou Wu 周武;

Journal: Huádōng Shīfàn Dàxué Xuébào (Zhéxué Shèhuì Kēxuébǎn) 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) (Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences))

ISSN: 1000-5579

Year: 2016

Volume: 48

Issue: 1

Page(s): 58-76+170