
Title: Déchuān hòuqí Rìběn zhīshì fènzǐ duìwài sīxiǎng zhuǎnbiàn zhōng de Éluósī dòngyīn-yǐ Běnduō Lìmíng wéi lì (Russia’s Motivation in Foreign Ideological Transition of Japanese Intellectuals in the Late Stage of Tokugawa-Case Study of Honda Toshiaki)#

Author(s): Li Fan, Cheng Hao 李凡; 程浩;

Journal: Rìběn Wèntí Yánjiū 日本问题研究 (Japanese Research)

ISSN: 1004-2458

Year: 2016

Volume: 30

Issue: 2

Page(s): 22-28