
Title: Wénhuà chǎnyè qūyùxìng yǔ quánqiúhuà de bèilùn jí qí qǐshì ――yǐ Xībānyá Fúlāmínggē yìshù wéi lì (The Paradox of the Regionality and Globalization in Culture Industry: Example of the Spanish Flamingo Art Form)

Author(s): Huang Mian 黄缅;

Journal: Xīnán Mínzú Dàxué Xuébào (Rénwén Shèkēbǎn) 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) (Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Humanities and Social Science))

ISSN: 1004-3926

Year: 2016

Volume: 37

Issue: 12

Page(s): 170-173