
Title: Wénhuà záróu shìyù xià Mǎláixīyà huárén zuòjiā de yuánxiāng xiǎngxiàng shūxiě ――yǐ Lǐyǒngpíng de chuàngzuò wéilì (Malaysian Chinese Writers’ Imagination of Hometowns from the Perspective of Cultural Integration: Based on Li Yongping’s Works)

Author(s): Wang Dandan; Fang Zhong 王丹丹;方忠;

Journal: Jiāngxī Shèhuì Kēxué 江西社会科学 (Jiangxi Social Sciences)

ISSN: 1004-518X

Year: 2016

Volume: 36

Issue: 8

Page(s): 98-102