
Title: Rì jù shíqí Cháoxiǎn yǔ Táiwān de wú zhèngfǔ zhǔyì zhě jiāoliú――yǐ Shēn Cǎihào yǔ Lín Bǐngwén de huódòng wéi zhōngxīn (The Exchanges of Anarchists between North Korea and Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period ———Based on the Activities of Shen Caihao and Lin Bingwen)#

Author(s): Qiu Shijie 邱士杰;

Journal: Táiwān Yánjiū Jíkān 台湾研究集刊 (Taiwan Research Journal)

ISSN: 1002-1590

Year: 2017


Issue: 2

Page(s): 77-85