
Title: “Rìběn shèqū qiànrù shì yǎnglǎo fāzhǎn lìchéng jí qí jīngyàn” (The Progress of the Community-based Integrated Care System for the Elderly in Japan and its Experiences)#

Author(s): Kang Yue; 康越;

Journal: Běijīng Liánhé Dàxué Xuébào (rénwén Shèhuì Kēxué Bǎn) 北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences))

ISSN: 1672-4917

Year: 2017

Volume: 15

Issue: 4

Page(s): 110-117