
Title: Yīngguó gòumǎi shì shèqū zhàogù fúwù móshì de fǎ zhǎn, gǎigé jí qǐshì (The development, reform and implications of purchasing community care services in the United Kingdom)#

Author(s): Gong Hanxiang, Feng Zehua, Tang Haosen, Wu Baoling, Luo Zhenni, Feng Shanshan; 龚韩湘;冯泽华;唐浩森;伍宝玲;罗桢妮;冯珊珊;

Journal: Zhōngguó Wèishēng Zhèngcè Yánjiū 中国卫生政策研究 (Chinese Journal of Health Policy)

ISSN: 1674-2982

Year: 2017

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Page(s): 64-69