
Title: “Zīyuán hùbǔ, hūnsú lèi tóng yǔ jiégòu xìng lìliàng bǎohù xià de zhōngyuè biānjìng kuàguó hūnyīn yánjiū――yǐ guǎngxī chóng zuǒ shì g cūn wéi lì” (Research on the Transnational Marriage of the Border Zone between C and V under the Protection of Constructive Forces,Complementarity of Resources and Similar Folk-custom of Marriage——Taking G village of Chongzuo City of Guangxi Province as example)#

Author(s): Chen Xun; 陈讯;

Journal: Yúnnán Xíngzhèng Xuéyuàn Xuébào 云南行政学院学报 (The Journal of Yunnan Administration College)

ISSN: 1671-0681

Year: 2017

Volume: 19

Issue: 4

Page(s): 44327