
Title: Yuǎndōng guójì jūnshì fǎtíng guānyú Bǎnyuán Zhēngsìláng zài huá suǒ fàn zhànzhēng zuìxíng shěnpàn jìlù (jiéxuǎn) (Itagaki Seishiro’s War Crimes in China: Excerpt from Transcripts of Proceedings at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East)#

Author(s): Fan Guoping 范国平;

Journal: Jūnshì Lìshǐ Yánjiū 军事历史研究 (Military History Research)

ISSN: 1009-3451

Year: 2017

Volume: 31

Issue: 1

Page(s): 110-117