心平天下平 同愿同行亚太梦——2016年博鳌亚洲论坛在“宗教领袖对话”中圆满落幕

Title: Xīn píng tiānxià píng, tóng yuàn tóng xíng Yà-Tài mèng—2016 nián Bó’áo Yàzhōu Lùntán zài “Zōngjiào Lǐngxiù Duìhuà” zhōng yuánmǎn luòmù (Peace with the Mind, Peace with the World Asia Pacific Dream of Common Aspiration, Common Action: 2016 Boao Forum for Asia Closed with “Spiritual Leader Dialogue”)

Author(s): Sangji Zaxi 桑吉扎西

Journal: Fǎ Yīn 法音 (The Voice of Dharma)

ISSN: 1004-2636

Year: 2016

Volume: No.380

Issue: 04

Page(s): 70-75