
Title: “Yī Dài Yī Lù” bèijǐng xià Zhōng-Yuè liǎngguó Luòyuè wénhuà lǚyóu chǎnyè hézuò fāzhǎn yánjiū (Research on the Cooperation and Development of Luoyue Cultural Tourist Industry between China and Vietnam under the Background of the “Belt And Road” Initiative)#

Author(s): Liang Fuxing, Luo Dan 梁福兴; 罗丹

Journal: Guǎngxī Shèhuì Kēxué 广西社会科学 (Social Sciences in Guangxi)

ISSN: 1004-6917

Year: 2016

Issue: 6

Page(s): 47-51