
Title: Mínzú, biānjiāng shìyù zhōng de Kàng Rì Zhànzhēng—”Mínzú、Biānjiāng yǔ Zhànshí Zhōngguó Shèhuì” Zhōng-Hán guójì xuéshù huìyì zōngshù (The Anti-Japanese War from Perspectives of Ethnicity and Frontier: Summary of “Ethnicity, Frontier and Wartime Chinese Society” Sino-South Korea Academic Conference)

Author(s): Zhang Suping 张素萍

Journal: Nínguó Dàng’àn 民国档案 (Republican Archives)

ISSN: 1000-4491

Year: 2016

Volume: No.123

Issue: 1

Page(s): 141-143