
地点: 1505教室,上海纽约大学
日期: 3月8日 - 3月9日,2018

• 概述

本次为期两天的研讨会将聚集上海纽约大学的博士、博士后研究员和讲师,他们的学术研究探讨了关于“中国、亚洲与世界”的学术热点并开拓了新的研究方向。在首届青年学者专题研讨会开幕之际,香港中文大学人类学系教授麦高登(Gordon Mathews)将做主旨演讲,此次演讲是上海纽约大学“全球城市文化与社会”系列讲座之一。本届参会青年学者们的研究成果代表了人类学、艺术史、历史、文学和影视等领域最新和最多样的研究方向。

• 主旨演讲



时间:18:30 – 19:00

数十年前,广州人口大多数都是中国人。今天,广州已摇身一变成为国际大都会,汇聚全球移居人士。在广州这片天地,外国人建立起新的生活、寻找自我及发展事业。这些人很多都是从事出口贸易的非洲人;他们把中国制造的商品出口至自已的国家,而这些商品大多数都是伪冒或仿制品。麦高登教授(Gordon Mathews)将通过本次讲座揭示广州成为“低端全球化” 中心的过程。他将分析在语言、文化及宗教信仰都不相通的情況下,中国人何以能够与来自撒哈拉以南的非洲人进行非正式的经济活动。他亦将探讨宗教在外国商人中扮演的角色,特別是那些以传教为毕生志业的基督徒商人。最后,麦高登教授诘问,当这些非洲人在广州成家立业、落地生根,我们将来有机会见到一名中国版奥巴马吗?

• Schedule

March 8, Thursday

10:00-10:15  Opening Remarks
Maria Montoya (Dean of Arts and Sciences, NYUSH)

10:15-12:00  Panel 1 –  Curatorial Responsibility: A Dialogue across Film, Literature & History

Chair: Duane Corpis (Associate Professor, NYUSH)

10:15-10:35: Fareed Ben-Youssef (GPS Fellow):  “Curatorial Responsibility in Film”

10:35-10:55: Jeong Min Kim (GPS Fellow):  “Curatorial Responsibility in History”

10:55-11:15: Adrian Thieret (GPS Fellow):  “Curatorial Responsibility in Literature” 

11:15-12:00: Discussion


12:00-1:30 Lunch for Speakers and Guests


1:30-3:15  Panel 2 – Understanding Economics and Politics through Ritual and Dispute

Chair: Nilanjan Das (Assistant Professor, NYUSH)

1:30-1:50: Cheryl Schmitz (GPS Fellow):  “Translation, Labor, and Witchcraft at a Chinese Company in Angola”

1:50-2:10: Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko (GPS Fellow): “Calling Money:  Mongolian Prosperity Rituals in Buddhist Temples”

2:10-2:30 Dannah Dennis (GPS Fellow):  “Claiming ‘Gorkha’:  Intimacy and Nationalism Online” 

2:30-3:15: Discussion


3:15-3:30  Tea/Coffee


5:30-7:00  Keynote Address:  “The World in Guangzhou:  Africans and Other Foreigners in South China’s Global Marketplace”

Gordon Mathews (Professor of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong)


March 9, Friday

9:00-10:10  Panel 3 – Commodities, Values, and Ethics:  Reconfiguring Trade in Global China

Chair: Alan Crawford (Postdoctoral Fellow, Jiaotong University)

9:00-9:20: Kunbing Xiao (CGA-ARC Postdoctoral Fellow): “Social Values and Geo-Political Considerations of Pu’er Tea in a Chinese Borderland”

9:20-9:40: Ka-Kin Cheuk (CGA Postdoctoral Fellow):  “Mapping ‘Environmental Ethics’ in the Emerging China-Netherlands Flower Trade Nexus”

9:40-10:10: Discussion


10:10-10:30:  Tea/Coffee


10:30-12:15  Panel 4 – The Validity and Limitations of Diasporas

Chair: Shirin Edwin (Associate Professor, NYUSH)

10:30-10:50: Asligul Berktay (GPS Fellow):  “Back and Forth between Brazil and the Slave Coast:  The Diasporic Lives of Nineteenth-Century Agudás” 

10:50-11:10: Dada Docot (GPS Fellow): “Balo-balo:  Rehearsing Faith, Migrants’ Homecoming, and Kinship with the Sacred”

11:10-11:30: Rebecca Ehrenwirth (GPS Fellow): “Against Diaspora!The Meaning of Being Sinophone”

11:30-12:15: Discussion


12:15-1:30  Lunch for Speakers and Guests


1:30-2:40 Panel 5 – Art in Movement

Chair: Teng Lu (Assistant Professor, NYUSH)

1:30-1:50: Di Luo (CGA Postdoctoral Fellow): “The Asokan Stupa: From Reliquary to Pagoda”

1:50-2:10: Hui Fang (NYUSH Graduate Dissertation Fellow):  “Transregional Nanjing: A New Art Ecology in Fifteenth Century China”

2:10-2:40: Discussion


2:40-3:00:  Closing Remarks

Duane Corpis (Associate Professor and Co-Director of GPS, NYUSH) and Tansen Sen (Professor and Director of CGA, NYUSH)


• 主办方





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