Ruth De Llobet

CGA Postdoctoral Fellow 2017

PhD in Southeast Asian History

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ruth De Llobet received her PhD in Southeast Asian History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to joining NYU Shanghai, she was Postdoctoral Fellow at KITLV, Leiden, the Netherlands, and was recently FASS Postdoctoral Fellow at the National University of Singapore, as well as Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain. Her research interests include Southeast Asian history, the political and constitutional history of the Philippines, Asian interconnections, networks, and colonial elites, and the age of revolution in a global context. 

At NYU Shanghai Ruth worked on a project entitled “Co-opting Empire: Chinese Mestizo Socio-Political and Legal Strategies in Manila, 1730–1830,” completing one article and one book chapter during this period, both of which have been published: “Luis Rodríguez Varela: literatura panfletaria criollista en los albores del liberalismo en Filipinas, 1790–1824,” in Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, Tufts University (Special issue on Filipino literature, 2018); and “De ciudadanía a sedición: la trayectoria política de Domingo Roxas, 1820–1843” in La Construcción de la Nación Filipina: Un Caso de Estudio a través de la Familia Roxas, edited by María Dolores Elizalde and Xavier Huetz de Lemps.

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